
With so many stories of super star entrepreneurs from Steve Jobs to Warren Buffett to Mark Cuban to Travis Kalanick to Oprah Winfrey to Elon Musk to Richard Branson to Jeff Bezos and on and on, the temptation is to latch on to one or more and try to copy their methods to success. Before you jump to that strategy ask this: What do all these great entrepreneurs have in common?

First, I’d argue that collectively they demonstrate certain traits. I’ve documented them in The Complete Entrepreneurial Mindset course. Those traits are important to have, or acquire, and in the training I show you a proven method to acquire the ones you don’t already have.

For a moment, let’s assume that you have those important traits and let’s assume you have a great idea for your business. That will get you to the starting point. Next, you need to determine that path you will take, which brings us back to the same question: What do these great entrepreneurs have in common?

The answer is that their chosen path reflects their individuality.

You can’t copy another person’s individuality, so you have to look to yourself. There is no escaping it. And, today your individuality is required more than ever. In this digitized environment everything can be represented down to the most elemental level. That personal path you take is what will define your business to the world. In 2016 you can no longer hide behind an anonymous corporate wall. It’s just not an option for the successful entrepreneur.

Let your individuality shine!

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