Naming your new business

Naming your new company is serious business (no pun intended). You would think there are a few rules to follow. You want it to be memorable. You want it to represent what you do, perhaps. You don’t want a name that will be confused with some other brand. You want it to be easy to remember. You want it easy to pronounce. You want it easy to spell. You’ll want to get the corresponding domain name and Facebook page. You don’t want it to be too long. You’ll want your team to be proud to identify with it. And, you’ll probably come up with a few other considerations while brainstorming.

You would think everyone would be this practical and sensible when naming a new venture. Apparently not. In the April issue of Wired magazine Julia Greenberg successfully mocks a long list of Silicon Valley startup names that make no sense. Included with the piece is the clever illustration of Sprinklr meeting BlaBlaCar shown here.

I guess naming your new company isn’t always serious business.

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