Being a successful entrepreneur is all about relationships. It’s human nature to gravitate to those who agree with you and support your actions. Within your family, your friends, and your employees you are sure to find a lot of comfort.
But what about the sometimes more difficult relationships – customers, vendors, investors, consultants, and professionals. You are more apt to encounter challenges and objections. It’s not unusual to find yourself in negotiations.
When a disagreement erupts it is too easy for a conversation to devolve into an argument. One way to diffuse the situation is to sprinkle in questions. Asking a question to convey a point is less threatening than berating your adversary with your assertions. It shows you are listening. It shows you are searching for solutions. It shows you are sincere. It is shows you are interested in other the opinions.
How you deliver your question is crucial. Don’t be snarky and don’t be sarcastic. Calmly pose the question with an inquisitive tone. A peaceful solution is more likely to follow.