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    Get the complete entrepreneural Mindset

    Begin by examining your entrepreneurial mindset. Do you possess the 4 fundamental characteristics, 6 personal qualities, and 9 mental behaviors that distinguish successful entrepreneurs? These five videos will take you step-by-step inside each dimension. You’ll learn how to do a personal assessment and discover which are your strengths and which need work.

    Knowing that is just the start. You’ll also learn the practical methods you need to follow to acquire the Complete Entrepreneurial Mindset that is so vital to your success.

    Perfect your business model

    Test your “Great Idea” against this imaginary “Perfect Business” to help Perfect Your Business Model. The videos explain each of the 16 characteristics. You’ll be able to compare them to your business model. Not every characteristic will make sense for your situation, but we guarantee you will come away with some actionable ideas to improve your business.

    The ideas you gain from this three video set will pay for entire course many times over. We back that up with our personal coaching and support to guide you when you decide to implement changes to your business model.

    Create Profits

    Now that you have The Complete Entrepreneurial Mindset and you’ve perfected your business model it’s time to get down to the nuts and bolts to Create Profits. This 7 video module will cover a wide range of essential skills: How to Create a Dynamic Strategy, How to Negotiate, How to Manage Risk, How to Make Money by Managing Processes, How to Identify and Profile Your Ideal Customers, How to Achieve Market Focus, and How to Manage Information.

    When you complete these videos you will have the skills and tools to accelerate you along your path to success.

    Lead the Way

    With so much written about leadership it can be confusing and hard to apply. Yet, there is a more sensible approach. Leadership doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s always linked to your values and the culture of your enterprise. You’ll learn how it all fits together and how to use this understanding to build a strong business. The team you create can help you on your entrepreneurial journey or sabotage your plans. It’s your responsibility to Lead the Way.

    In addition to this powerful approach to leadership, you’ll learn How to Build Your Team, How to Lead Meetings, and How to Create the Right Incentives.

    Your Personal Scorecard

    Your Personal Scorecard isn’t a test about what you learned. It’s about how to measure success. Every entrepreneur needs to know where the money comes from and where it goes. Traditional financials tell only part of the story. How is your business really performing? Are you making real money?

    Most important of all, how satisfied are you? Have your efforts brought you peace of mind? Are you reaching the goals that prompted you to start your small  business in the first place? This video pulls everything together and gives you the perspective you need to align your business life and personal life.

    Bonus eBook 7 Real Reasons Businesses Fail and How You can Avoid Making the Same Mistakes

    BONUS eBook: “The 7 Reasons Small Businesses Fail and How You Can Avoid the Same Mistakes”

    You’ve made the decision to be an entrepreneur, so don’t fall into these 7 common traps. These aren’t the obvious ones. This eBook focuses on the real reasons a small business might fail.

    Most small businesses close within 5 years. Smart entrepreneurs know how to do the things covered in the Advantage20 insider course. They also understand how to avoid these 7 mistakes.   Your success rests on knowing both what to do and what not to do.


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      What Our Clients Say

      Barbara L JordanBarbara L. Jordan, author and Emmy Award winner, Songwriters Playground
      “Ed Noyes is a joy to work with. Generous, humorous and motivating, he got me to come up with content I wouldn’t have thought to include in my website, but which was very effective. From help with photograph selection, writing and editing of text, and prompt attention to my requests and concerns, he made me feel very comfortable with a process I delayed for too many years. In short, Ed stretched my concept of what a website for a multi-faceted oddbird like myself could be, and I’m very satisfied with the results of our collaboration. I highly recommend working with Mr. Noyes.”



      John Nale John Nale, Nale Law Firm
      “Ed was very professional in his approach to designing our new site ( The site incorporates all the features we were seeking. Throughout the process, Ed solicited feedback from our staff to make sure his work always matched our vision. All the changes we requested after the launch were promptly provided without any additional charge, as the affordable bottom line quote Ed provided included all aspects of the project. The project was completed on time and on budget.”



      Betsy Bisson  Betsy Bisson, Owner, Santons de France
      “Ed has connected me with different venues on-line that have contributed greatly to my success as a small business owner. For a nontechnical person, such as I, he is beyond patient.  He is prompt in his response for help for the smallest issues that I have encountered. His technical support, along with his knowledge of what makes a website attractive and interesting have helped to grow my business through the internet. He understands what it takes to promote and keep your website up-front and interesting. This year I have enjoyed a 35% increase in my on-line business. This would not have been possible without Ed’s expertise, patience and valuable advice. I highly recommend Ed Noyes as a business consultant.”



      Wendi S., Student
      “Truly focused on strategic marketing. It helps me to focus on a plan!”



      Lisa W., Student
      “I really like your interest in our idea and the help you honestly want to give.”



      Pam A., Student
      “I learned as much as I expected to learn. It is such a large topic with so much specific information, but all was covered to my satisfaction. I will immediately start tackling the issues.”



      Kathy C., Student
      “Mind (thought) stimulating and very beneficial. I am anxious to implement what I have learned!”



      Richard D., Student
      “Very helpful. Worth every minute.”



      Margaret A., Student
      “It was interesting and very informative. Thank you for your time and information.”

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